To be deleted / replaced with new China page
Shanghai, China
Brånemark Osseointegration Center Shanghai, ABOCS, is a joint venture between the Dental Implants and Maxillofacial Centre (Hong Kong) and the Tokushinkai Dental Group (Shanghai).
Brånemark Osseointegration Center Shanghai has the state-of-the-art clinical facilities and cutting edge dental equipment for imaging, diagnosis and treatment. For examples, we have Sirona® C8+ and C4+ dental units, NewTom® VGi Cone Beam Scanner, KLS Martin marLED® operating light, Milestone Scientific CCLAD STA™, Nobel Biocare® Dental Implants, SimPlant® Crystal simulation software etc.
Our professional team consists of experts from China, specialists from Hong Kong and Singapore.
Contact Us
Brånemark Osseointegration Center
368, Shanghai Centre,
1376 Nanjing Road West,
Phone +86 021-6289-8101
Fax +86 021-6289-8109
Emergency Tel. 137-0171-8101
E-mail: info@abocs.cn
Website: www.abocs.cn